Hello, and here we are with part 2 of Hartley's Head Brewer Eric Simpson's personal history of the Brewery, as publsihed in the Brewing History Society Journal in 1992. Eric writes about incidents in the bottling store, light fingered colleagues, dubious personal encounters in the Snipe Inn in Barrow , and the ways in which the workforce rubbed up against each other in their day to day, including Young Harry Walmsley, Billy Preston and Bob Cloudsdale, seen here in Erics own photograph. We also learn the consequences of accidently getting cows drunk. Again, the pages are scanned and downloadable on the other end of this link... https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1m6LyfC4cgSxksYEsMjUTd9v6UUdBXlAh?usp=sharing Enjoy your time in Eric's company. Part three next week. Our thanks to Roger Bacon and the Brewing History Society.
Well done everyone! We're looking forwards to hearing some good stories