
Showing posts from September, 2020

'HARTLEYS' LAST BREW' A video provided by Joyce Wilding , Eric Simpson's daughter.

We have some marvellous material for you today...Eric Simpsons daughter Joyce has very kindly allowed us to upload this video of the last days Brewing at the Hartley's site, and the dismantling of the equipment. You'll see Eric himself doing the introductions, and then we go into the building...many of you will see some familiar faces and places, and it'll bring a lump to a few throats..  I'll say no more than that, in the hope that the film will stir a few memories and promote some good discussions. Get in touch with us with your thoughts.  Here are a few stills to be going on with, and the link to the film is in green below. If you have any problems with it, let me know. For other memories of the Brewery, have a listen to our Oral History pages, the latest addition is fascinating talk from Harry Wilson, former Maintainance Electrician at Hartley's.

An Interview with Nigel Saul.

I like this job.  Had a really nice chat over a beer yesterday with Nigel Saul round the back of the Globe in Ulverston. The results are on the Soundcloud page along with John Raisbeck's can see how this archive is going to look, so hopefully we'll hear from a few of you...if only to set the record straight.  Nigel also brought along a Hartleys tie, presumably awarded for completing the Pub Crawl card that we saw earlier, although Nigel's Mum did work in the Office so it may have been a free sample...thanks Nigel for a really interesting and funny contribution.