David Marshall, Joiner with the Hartley's Building department

This is David Marshall, he's given us our latest socially-distanced phone interview about his time with Hartley's and, briefly , Robinsons as a Joiner in the Building Depot on Hart Street and later at Backbarrow. If you've been for a beer in Ulverston then the chances are you've walked through or leant against some of Dave's work which includes the bar at the Hope, and the mighty front door at the Piel. Dave talks about working life at the Bobbin Mill and elsewhere, recalls his colleagues at the Brewery including Joe Banks, and describes the move from Hart Street to Backbarrow and shares his memory last days of the Brewery. Also, Dave has also driven an interesting range of vehicles in his time... Among his workmates Dave mentions Dave Wilson, a Drayman and a big man in every sense. Coincidentally a photo of Dave turned up on line on the same day as we spoke, and our friend Tony Mitchell has ok'd our using it here. From the comments attached to Tony's p...